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Imagine knowing impact of fixing product quality issues

Imagine knowing impact of fixing product quality issues

Brett Caplan 3 min

At unitQ, we believe the Voice of the Customer is the single source of truth for product quality, complete with actionable insights with precise information about what users are saying about a product’s performance, features and capabilities. That’s why unitQ customers embrace our ML-enabled unitQ Monitor to arm their support, product and engineering teams with the relevant user feedback to fix issues blemishing the customer experience. 

Today, we’re announcing a new unitQ Monitor feature, Impact Analysis. This first-of-its-kind tool will make it even easier for our customers to prioritize fixes and understand the impact of addressing and fixing product quality issues near and dear to their users. 

Prioritize, fix the most impactful issues

With Impact Analysis, teams can learn what impacts fixing an issue might have on KPIs like 1-star reviews, support tickets, brand sentiment and more before taking action. Our Impact Analysis tool automatically surfaces user-generated issues, what we call “Quality Monitors,” that will have the most impact on product quality if fixed.

In the example above, a music streaming application’s issues of force closing, and stops playing in vehicles, accounts for more than 20% of 1-star ratings on iOS and more than 5% of 1-star ratings on Android. Had these issues not existed, the Impact Analysis tools shows that you would have had more than 20% fewer 1-star ratings on iOS, and 5% fewer 1-star ratings on Android.

This matters because apps with higher ratings are more likely to have reduced churn and attract new customers. And fixing these issues identified by the Impact Analysis tool eventually will help improve star ratings in mobile app stores.

In addition, fixing these two issues will also help reduce negative sentiment by more than 5%, and will address more than 2% of internal tickets on supported apps like Ada, Freshdesk, Helpshift, Intercom, Solvvy, Zendesk, Zendesk Chat and Zoho Desk. What’s more, eliminating this user friction will address more than 11% of the total number of Quality Issues, or pieces of an organization’s negative user feedback. 

unitQ Score

How much an organization’s unitQ Score and Internal unitQ Score could be boosted by fixing customer-surfaced issues is also calculated by the Impact Analysis tool.

unitQ Score allows companies to measure their product quality against other organizations in the same industry based on ratings and reviews in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. An organization’s Internal unitQ Score includes the same user feedback from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, but also includes user feedback from social media like Twitter, Reddit, and internal support and chatbot applications.

In our screenshot example above, the Impact Analysis tool shows that each of the two scores could be boosted several points by taking action on the issues of force closing, and stops playing in vehicles.

Why does this matter? 

A unitQ Score closer to 100 indicates a brand has few product quality issues overall. It means users enjoy the product, the experience is well-designed, easy to use, responsive — and is virtually free of bugs, broken flows, and operational mistakes. Higher scores equal better products, and more satisfied customers. A score of 90, for example, means 90% of an organization’s user feedback did not contain product quality issues when evaluated through the lens of unitQ algorithms and machine learning. 

ML-powered Impact Analysis

The intelligence to bolster the unitQ Score and Internal unitQ Score stems from the power of the unitQ Monitor and its machine learning capabilities that power our new Impact Analysis feature. The lower the number of product quality issues, the higher the score. Detecting, investigating, prioritizing and fixing issues identified by users increases the score, bolsters developer KPIs, enhances customer satisfaction and ratings in app stores, attracts new users and drives new revenue streams. 

Read what our customers are saying about unitQ. 

Want to learn how unitQ, and our new feature, Impact Analysis, can help your organization boost product quality? Request a demo today!

Brett Caplan is unitQ’s Product Manager

Brett Caplan 3 min

Imagine knowing impact of fixing product quality issues

Yup! There's a tool that predicts impacts on 1-star reviews, support tickets, brand sentiment and more before taking action

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