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Read all about it! 11 great newsletters for product managers

Read all about it! 11 great newsletters for product managers

Michael Krug 2 min

There are many excellent newsletters for product managers, covering a range of topics from design, user experience, marketing, and technology trends, to career and business strategy. In no particular order, here are unitQ’s curated picks to help product managers stay informed and inspired:

  • Product Hunt (https://www.producthunt.com/newsletter): A daily newsletter that curates the best new products, startups, and ideas. It’s a must-read for product managers interested in learning about the latest innovations and trends.

  • Hacker Newsletter (https://hackernewsletter.com/): A weekly newsletter that curates the best articles from Hacker News, covering topics like programming, design, product management, and entrepreneurship.

  • Tim Herbig Product Management & Consultant (https://herbig.co/newsletter/): A weekly Product Thoughts newsletter delivers 1 actionable tip and 3 resources to improve strategy, OKRs, and discovery practices in less than 5 minutes.

  • Elena’s Growth Scoop (https://elenaverna.substack.com/): Newsletter with smart insights on how to supercharge user engagement and virality with the “oracle of growth.”

  • Product-Led (https://productled.com/): A newsletter focusing on product-led growth strategies, with case studies, interviews, and insights from product leaders.

These newsletters should provide a wealth of resources and insights to help product managers grow. Remember to tailor your subscription list to your specific interests and needs, and to stay engaged with the content to get the most out of it.

Michael Krug is Product Manager at unitQ

Michael Krug 2 min

Read all about it! 11 great newsletters for product managers

We love them because they cover design, user experience, marketing, technology, trends, career and strategy

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