Over 12 million active users use Slack and spend an average of 9 hours connected to their service per day. There’s no doubt Slack has transformed the way businesses stay productive by bringing communication and collaboration into one place. Likewise, we at unitQ have transformed the way teams stay productive by empowering businesses to take a data driven approach with their product quality and understand user feedback in one centralized place.
Imagine having the visibility to see detailed insights on product quality, sentiment, star ratings, and feedback from your valued users all within your existing workflows, with the added value of not leaving the platform you use everyday.
The unitQ + Slack integration gives your team the ability to be instantly notified in Slack when new user feedback data arrives, when existing quality issues start to trend, and when new bugs are detected. You can further define categories or filter reviews based on any criteria, enabling you to send specific user feedback to specific Slack channels or cross-functional internal teams.
Send User Reviews to Slack
unitQ can automatically send user reviews from different feedback sources (App Store, Social, Support) to Slack, making it seamless to see what users are saying about your product in real-time. You can also define your own saved searches or filter reviews based on any property you choose.

Track Quality in a Timely Way
unitQ can detect, categorize, and track quality issues in your user feedback data and send them to specific teams in your organization. Instantly align your teams on what needs to be fixed and act on the issues before they become widespread.

Monitor Quality Trends
unitQ can send alerts and notifications of new and trending quality issues reported in any language, region, device, version, or platform.

Stay Connected with Your Team
For existing unitQ customers, setting up our Slack integration is as easy as adding the unitQ Slack app to your Slack team. Visit our help center to view the documentation. If you’re not a customer, connect with our Sales Team if you’d like to keep your team aligned and connected with our unitQ + Slack integration.