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What to know about Sensitive Feedback Management

What to know about Sensitive Feedback Management

Sierra Kirtz 3 min

Trust and safety are paramount for any enterprise. The unitQ Voice-of-the-Customer platform addresses this critical need with its advanced Sensitive Feedback Management feature that provides the necessary tools to segregate and control access to customer feedback deemed sensitive.

As the leading user-feedback analytics platform, unitQ centralizes all customer feedback in one place, empowering companies with AI-driven, actionable insights from user feedback to help organizations craft high-quality products, services and experiences.

This centralized approach, combined with granular permissions for sensitive user-feedback data, ensures that sensitive customer feedback is handled appropriately by the right teams. This also safeguards employees from unnecessary exposure to potentially traumatic or sensitive information while at the same time protecting the privacy and safety of end users reporting issues like harassment, bullying, fraud and other activity that might be unwanted or unlawful.

How it works

The unitQ Sensitive Feedback Management feature allows organizations to segregate and control access to customer feedback that contains sensitive topics or data. This unique feature to unitQ is designed to support the needs of various industries, including social platforms, financial services, and just about any enterprise where protecting user privacy, complying with regulations and maintaining trust and integrity in their operations are essential.

The unitQ Sensitive Feedback Management feature is built to be intuitive and seamless. When user feedback is deemed containing sensitive information is received, it is automatically tagged and redacted. Granular permissions are applied to control who can access this feedback, ensuring that only authorized personnel can view and respond to it.

Why It matters

The key challenge for any enterprise is to protect its community by maintaining a safe and supportive environment for both users and employees. 

The unitQ Sensitive Feedback Management feature provides the means required to meet this challenge effectively.

  • Granular permissions: unitQ offers granular permissions to ensure that only trained or authorized professionals can access sensitive feedback. This helps protect employees from unexpected exposure to traumatic content and ensures that sensitive information is handled by those equipped to respond appropriately.

  • Tagging and redaction: After initial setup, sensitive feedback is tagged and redacted automatically. Employees see a badge indicating that the feedback has been redacted, alerting them to the presence of sensitive content without exposing the details.

  • Controlled access: Feedback related to trust and safety, such as reports of harassment, bullying, unwanted attention, fraud, financial issues and other sensitive feedback is restricted to specific individuals. This ensures that only authorized personnel can view and respond to such feedback if necessary.

Benefits of Sensitive Feedback Management

  • Protecting users: By limiting access to sensitive feedback, unitQ helps protect users from potential harm, ensuring that reports of harassment, bullying, fraud or other safety or financial issues are handled discreetly and effectively.

  • Employee well-being: Employees are shielded from potentially distressing information unless they are specifically trained to handle such content. This helps maintain a positive work environment and prevents unnecessary trauma.

  • Compliance and security: Organizations can comply with regulatory requirements and internal policies regarding the handling of sensitive information. This reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures that sensitive data is only accessible to those who need it.

About unitQ

As the leading Quality Automation platform, unitQ empowers companies with AI-powered, actionable insights from user feedback to help them craft high-quality products, services and experiences. unitQ centralizes feedback from all sources and automatically groups it into thousands of granular categories to help organizations discover what matters most to users — all in real time. Category-leading companies like Spotify, Bumble, Pinterest, Udemy, CarGurus and HelloFresh rely on unitQ to drive growth, reduce churn and build brand loyalty.

With unitQ customer feedback software, including unitQ GPT, organizations can discover quality issues at the same time as their users. Know what product launches, releases or evergreen features are causing the most bugs or support tickets. Drill into the root causes of these issues by source, platform, device, customer segment and more.

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Sierra Kirtz is Sr. Manager, Customer Onboarding and Education at unitQ.


Sierra Kirtz 3 min

What to know about Sensitive Feedback Management

The unitQ Sensitive Feedback Management feature allows organizations to segregate and control access to customer feedback that contains sensitive topics or data.

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